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Chinese translation for "habitable zone"


Related Translations:
habitable:  adj.可居住的,适于居住的。n.-ness = habitability.
habitable room:  起居室
habitable space:  居住空间
habitable environment:  生物生存环境
habitable planet:  可居住行星
habitable attic:  屋顶室
Example Sentences:
1.Mars is located outside the habitable zone . liquid water cannot exist on its surface
2.The earth is the only planet in our solar system that is within the habitable zone , a region
3.First of all , during the 5 billions years since the formation of the solar system , the earth has been located at the habitable zone of it
4.Planets in the habitable zone have a range of temperatures that may support life , if not on the planet itself , than possibly on the moon , if the planet has any moons
5.Planets in the habitable zone have a range of temperatures that might support life , if not on the planet itself , then possibly on a moon , if the planet has any moons
6.Planets in the habitable zone have a range of temperatures that might support life , if not on the planet itself , then possibly on a moon , if the planet has any moons
7.Nevertheless , because the planet is much closer to its star than the earth is to the sun , it lies in what astronomers call the “ habitable zone ” ? the region surrounding a star where water would be liquid
然而,同地球和太阳之间的距离相比,这颗行星同其恒星的距离要近很多,处于天文学家们称为“可居住区”地带? ?恒星周围水能以液态形式存在的区域。
8.Venus and mars , our neighouring planets , are just located at the inner and outer rims of the habitable zone respectively . as a result , venus is hot like hell for reason of the runaway greenhouse effect whereas the surface of mars is so cold that water can only exit in the form of ice
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